EMG s2e4: Calendar Callgirl
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What about a dick in a box? Erin comes on strong and confident with awesome deadpool references and laughing at my jokes even though it aggravates her. If you don’t know a mashup is when a talented artist takes two or more different songs and makes them work together. Sometimes we find some music that would win the participation award but mostly we find the awesomesauce! Tonight’s music ranges from not quite Santaria to the Fresh Prince that will stick with you forever. Come get your jam on!
[smart_track_player url=”http://mashup.overtonmediaworks.com/Audio/EMUS-S2E04.mp3″]
S2.E4 Love your Santaria – DJ Adam Dutch – http://www.mashstix.com/004786
S2.E4 Corporation vs. A.L. vs. MixmstrStel – I’m Into Downtown Beverly Hills Cheerleaders
S2.E4 Kill_mR_DJ – Summer Nights
S2.E4 DJs From Mars – Move It Sandman (Reel 2 Real vs. Metallica)
S2.E4 A Distracting Box – The Fresh Prince of Super Mario Land (Will Smith vs. Nintendo)
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We would love to hear from you and what mashups you like so email us at bearcrawling@gmail.com.
We prefer to get our Mash-ups from you so send your submissions via Bearcrawling@gmail or Facebook, and various other places.
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